Thursday, September 14, 2006

Blog News

We’ve been adding new links to the list of blogs in the sidebar off to the right. One of the best—and most prolific—college hockey blogs out there is The Western College Hockey Blog. In recent weeks, this blog has been previewing the teams in the WCHA and CCHA, providing a quick means of becoming familiar with the top teams and players in those conferences. The blogger also ranks forwards, defensemen and goalies for those interested in fantasy leagues.

Today the Western blog takes a brief look at the BU fan-obscenity issue that has been raging on message boards and was covered in the Boston Globe and elsewhere. It links to a guest post by well-know college hockey authority Mike Machnik which appears in the newest blog on our list, The College Hockey News Blog. Elliott Olshansky also offers an opinion on the Rink Rat blog.

Time (that is, the lack of it) has prevented this blog from addressing the obscenity issue thus far, but we invite members of the BU hockey community to express their opinions either through comments to this post or a guest post of your own. If you’d like to submit a guest post or this or any BU hockey topic, please e-mail .

The College Hockey News Blog has a very extensive list of links to other blogs in its sidebar. We’ll check s them out and add some to our own list. Again, your suggestions are encouraged.

Finally, thank you to the other blogs that have acknowledged this fledgling effort to provide information to the BU hockey community.

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