Thursday, September 07, 2006

If you must follow BU via the Web…

…there is good news from the BU athletic office. An agreement has been signed with CSTV to provide Game Tracker service this season. Game Tracker icons appear on the USCHO Schedule/Results page and, one would expect, on the BU athletics site.

BU and CSTV have also agreed to again offer the CSTV All-Access Webcast service which was available for the final four home games last season. This subscription service delivers the video feed from the Agganis Arena scoreboard along with the audio of longtime broadcast team Bernie Corbett and Tom Ryan

Details are not yet available and last year’s link to the services in presently inactive. We’ll update this information when details become available.

This is especially good new for some of BU’s most distantly-located, but ardent fans: Dr. Alastair Strain, a Scottish professor who teaches at the University of Birmingham in England and will be at HAA for the 2nd home game this fall; Arthur Berman out in British Columbia who became a Vancouver Giants/WHL fan; and Joe (sorry I forgot his last name) the former BU bandleader, now based in New Zealand and who occasionally posts on the BU Yahoo board.

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