Celebrities for Charity Foundation is staging a Casino Cruise in Boston on Thursday, October 9, 2008 to benefit the Travis Roy Foundation. The Horizon's Edge Casino Cruise boat departs promptly at 6:30 p.m.(5:30 loading) from 76 Marine Blvd., Lynn, Mass. (just off the Lynnway, Rt. 1A). The evening will feature dinner, auctions, and Las Vegas style cash gaming, including a Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament. To RSVP or more details, call 978-749-6700.
Travis Roy, a standout forward from Tabor Academy, was injured on the first shift of his freshman year in October 1995. He has remained paralyzed with minimal utility of one arm. Over the past 13 years, he has been a leading advocate and fundraiser for those with spinal cord injuries as well as a motivational speaker.
Celebrities for Charity is charitable fundraising foundation launched by former Terrier goalie Cleon Daskalis, founder of Celebrity Marketing. As a senior in 1983-84, Daskalakis earned honors as First Team All-America, First Team All-New England, ECAC Player of the Year, New England Player of the Year, and BU MVP, along with the Walter Brown Award as the top American-born collegiate player in New England.
Travis Roy, a standout forward from Tabor Academy, was injured on the first shift of his freshman year in October 1995. He has remained paralyzed with minimal utility of one arm. Over the past 13 years, he has been a leading advocate and fundraiser for those with spinal cord injuries as well as a motivational speaker.
Celebrities for Charity is charitable fundraising foundation launched by former Terrier goalie Cleon Daskalis, founder of Celebrity Marketing. As a senior in 1983-84, Daskalakis earned honors as First Team All-America, First Team All-New England, ECAC Player of the Year, New England Player of the Year, and BU MVP, along with the Walter Brown Award as the top American-born collegiate player in New England.
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